Pink Star Flower

by This is Carrie on July 6, 2008

At least that’s what we’ve been calling this beautiful flower we spotted here in Utah.
Anyone want to help us find it’s true identity?
(And did you spot the little ladybug down in there?)


alotalot July 7, 2008 at 2:45 pm

I think that is a milkweed. Snap a branch and see if thick, white sap comes out of it. It will have a bitter smell to it (and taste. Don’t ask how I know this!) This plant attracts monarch caterpillars and butterflies. In Utah you only get them with pink flowers, but in some other parts of North America they are yellow or orange. In the fall, they get big seedpods on them that are fun to pull apart. 🙂 Look for the caterpillars!

TftCarrie July 8, 2008 at 3:02 pm

You are totally right. It is a milkweed. I wish I had known about the caterpillars so I could have looked a little more closely.

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