I Hate the Dentist

by This is Carrie on January 26, 2009

And when I say hate, I mean bad nightmares and uncontrollable crying that can only be controlled by anti-crazy drugs and a hired anisthesiologist. Seriously, my last trip to the dentist was NOT pretty.

But this new dentist has me thinking the tides could turn. With his good looks and suave personality he’s somehow got me convinced I can be calm in the dentist’s chair once again (something that hasn’t happened since I was five and my dentist decided to save money by not using novocaine and hit a nerve while filling a cavity). He also convinced Princess to finally stop sucking her thumb–something other dentists, her parents and hundred’s of dollars worth of anti-thumb sucking products could not do.

find this shirt on etsy.



Chloe January 26, 2009 at 6:41 pm

That alone may be worth the drive to So cal…

I’m with you sister, on the crazed dental thing. I’ve got a root canal with my name on it NEXT week…

Dragon's Dolphin January 26, 2009 at 10:52 pm

I’ve been going to my dentist for what seems forever! I told him he could NOT retire–after all, what other dentist has that pretty of eyes to look at while they’re working on you? He wasn’t sure how to handle a question like that–so I told him, You mean you didn’t know you had the prettiest eyes? He was dumbfounded! First I’ve ever seen him at a loss for words in 26 years! LOL

Kathi D January 26, 2009 at 10:53 pm

Ohhhhhh I had no idea you were a dental phobic! I was too, and for the same reason! Fillings galore when I was 10 and no novocaine (because the dentist said I “didn’t need it”).

Having braces at 30 cured me, but Dr. McDreamy will fix you, I just know it.

MyFavoriteThings January 27, 2009 at 4:06 am

My Husband is a Dentist. I think it is all about having a dentist that is smooth and very capable. It doesn’t hurt if he is libral with the pain relief either

Grandma January 27, 2009 at 8:15 am

Where did you find this new dentist. Wherever it was and whomever he is, I love him!

Christy January 27, 2009 at 4:09 pm

I just went to the dentist on Saturday and had a HORRIBLE Hygienist. I am still hurting 🙁

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