Birthday Stuff: The Storybrook Village Mural

by This is Carrie on September 1, 2009

Given that it was our only “decoration” for the party, I didn’t mind spending time on the Storybrook Village backdrop, but I just wished it hadn’t been the HOTTEST day of the year. Pumpkin petered out of her painting help after about 20 minutes.

The only other decoration consisted of sidewalk chalk art down the driveway: “Follow the alphabet to the party!” At the end of the party, someone pointed out I forgot the “N”. I was just testing your children (Doh!).



Kristin September 1, 2009 at 7:56 pm

I LOVED that idea! and the chalk was so bright! i cant wait to have kids and do stuff like that. so fun! the mural looked great too.

Renanda September 1, 2009 at 8:25 pm

I L.O.V.E decorating for kid's birthdays. I have none of my own, so I have to borrow my friends' children. The mural looks great!

Brittany September 1, 2009 at 9:51 pm

Way cool! I did a fancy birthday party the first two birthdays for my oldest, but now I'm kinda burned out. How do you keep it up? How awesome to have a Super Why party. I like that show.

This is Carrie September 1, 2009 at 9:56 pm

Kristin – did you notice the missing "N"?

Renanda – you may be my friend and decorate for any of my children's birthdays. Seriously.

Brittany – Here's what our family does. No party until you turn 4, then you get one every other year. On the years before age four and the "off" years, we do a nice birthday dinner with the family and still make it special, but nothing labor intensive. I'd be burned out if I did it any other way.

Kreative Mama September 1, 2009 at 9:57 pm

so cute Carries you did so good…it looks just like storybook village!!

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