The Baptism

by This is Carrie on September 13, 2010

Princess was thrilled to be baptized by her father, surrounded by family, friends & neighbors, in the same dress I was baptized in–a dress my mom made for me back in 1986.

I hope I will never forget the sweet voices of the group of eight neighbor kids, from a handful of different church denominations, singing “Jesus Loves Me” together to the simple accompaniment of an acoustic guitar or the crack in Princesses voice as she struggled to hold in her emotions as she sang “When I am Baptized” at the close of the meeting.



Twitter: girlymum
September 13, 2010 at 4:30 pm

Sounds so beautiful!

Stacy September 15, 2010 at 10:03 am

Congratulations Princess!! Baptism is such a beautiful gift!

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