We thought rounding up a group of women willing to join our So Cal Ragnar Ultra Team might be difficult. Turns out our friends are even more awesome than we thought and each one practically jumped at the chance to spend a day and a night and a day sharing the same sweaty, stinky, van for the chance to run part of the 200 miles down the California coast…in a Team Sparkle skirt. Meet the team:
Linda in the red skirt (or blanket): she’s a mom of 3 who loves to run, bike & swim. She brought the experience.
Runner: 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31
Total mileage: 40.2 miles
Kenna in the purple skirt: Mom of 2, who’s a nurse in her “spare” time. She brought the band-aids.
Runner 2, 8, 14, 22, 28, 34
Total mileage: 37.3 miles
Kelly in the turquoise skirt: cherry coke drinking, REAL orange county housewife & mama of 3, with ADD crafting tendencies & an MBA degree. She brought the fun
Runner 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33
Total mileage: 38.8 miles
Tamra in the yellow skirt: self-pronounced cat lady, avid mountain biker, talented musician and she’ll beat you at any video game. She brought the statistics and the maps.
Runner: 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 34
Total mileage: 26.7 miles.
Me! (Carrie) in the green skirt: mother of 4 with not enough time to sew, run, thrift, DIY, mountain bike & crochet, but I sneak it in anyway. I brought the fashion.
Runner: 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35
Total mileage: 30.2 miles.
Elise in the pink skirt: She’s the cupcake activist: fighting for the cupcake cause. as a triathlete she likes to burn calories so she can eat them (and breastfeed her 5 month old baby). She brought the food.
Runner 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36
Total mileage: 29.9 miles
I’m so glad we had the foresight to see an ultra Ragnar team can’t be made up of just runners. Somehow we talked Mark from Hit the Mark Fitness into being our driver, a job that is full of stress as you navigate through multiple cities, through race traffic for 2 days with practically no sleep. He did it all and was as cool as a cucumber the entire time. Not only did he support us during the race as our driver, he also kicked our booty’s during his crazy awesome boot camp, helping us get ready to crush our 200 miles adventure. We also convinced Angry Julie to come along as our official photographer and “tweeter” because when you’re going to have an epic adventure, it must be well documented.
Follow the entire adventure:
Team Sparkle Runs So Cal Ragnar
Read about past relay adventures here:
Hood to Coast Relay
The Relay
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An all-girl ultra team with sparkle?! This is just all sorts of awesomeness!
Ya’ll are awesome. Looks like such an amazing time with a fun group of ladies. I rocked my purple sparkle skirt at last years Disney Princess and plan to wear your yellow one this year. So much fun!
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