Camping Recap Part 9: The Slide

by This is Carrie on July 20, 2008

Pumpkin couldn’t stop talking about going down the campground waterslides with her cousins on our last day at camp. When I saw the sign “Riders must be 3 years old”, we decided to hold an impromptu birthday party for her while waiting in line to buy our tickets. As confusion turned to excitement (“I’m three! I’m three!”), I worried her actions would out us at the ticket counter. But, we sailed by smoothly only to have her chicken out and sit by the kiddie pool for the whole afternoon telling anyone who would listen that it was her birthday. Poor, confused little girl. Luckily her real birthday is coming soon.



alotalot July 21, 2008 at 8:40 pm

I hope you aren’t still trying to reverse that when she is 16!

Kathi D July 21, 2008 at 11:11 pm

This brings back a pitiful memory. When my nephews were about 3 and 4 years old, my sis and I took them to Disneyland. We wanted to ride the Matterhorn, and the ride attendants thought the boys were too little. My sister insisted that SHE was their mother and they WERE going, because they were so desperately wanting to go on that particular ride.

Flash forward to the actual ride. I had big brother in my lap, and he was so terrified that he clapped one of my hands over his eyes and the other one over his ears and shook the whole way. Little brother, with sis, screamed bloody murder the whole way. They were terrified, and they hated it. But when we got to the bottom, we had to happy talk them off the ride to show the attendants just how much they enjoyed it. Oh yeah, that worked.

By the way, they really had begged to go on it. We shouldn’t have believed them.

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