Hydrangea Headband Tutorial

It’s time for a low profile headband.  This Hydrandgea headband might be better suited for the Easter Holiday, but velvet millinery flowers would be perfect for a winter holiday headband.  Scroll down for instructions on making a floral ponytail holder.

Gather materials: flowers, felt, glue (I like E-6000), a headband or you could do a variation with clips.

Depending on flower, you might need to pick out extra leaves.

Cut out 2 matching oval shapes from felt.

One of these will become the base for your floral cluster.

Next, take flowers off stem.

If you want to use original flower centers, you’ll need to dab a little in the center to hold it in place.

A little glue under the center will hold it in place.

For this headband, I decided to use tiny buttons to replace flower centers.

Sew buttons onto flowers and through felt base.  As you arrange and sew flowers, sew or glue in leaves.

Once flower cluster is sewn (or glued) onto felt, spread a thin layer of glue onto the back of the flower cluster felt base.

Position flower cluster onto headband as desired.

Place second piece of cut felt over “gluey” felt base.

Press felt pieces firmly to each other and to the headband.

All ready to go.

To create a flower cluster clip, cut second piece of felt smaller and glue over 1/2 of clip instead of to a headband.

You can make a silk flower ponytail holder with the same basic instructions.

Pick a flower.

Tear out all the plastic insides.

Add vintage button. I prefer to sew it in.

Attach elastic band using a piece of felt and glue.


Flower clip variation:


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Tutorial: Hydrangea Headband | This Mama Makes Stuff
November 17, 2010 at 3:41 pm

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