It’s a Rock. No, a Clam. No. It’s a Marine Bivalve!

by This is Carrie on June 8, 2009

We first thought the shore was filled with tiny, smooth rocks. But, the seagulls seemed to be paying a lot of attention to these “rocks”…that moved. In all my time at the beach, I’d never seen anything like it before.



Katie June 10, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Sand crabs! Well, we called them that as kids but I think we made that name up. We (at the oregon coast) would catch them all the time and put them in buckets. Yeah, they are cool to watch as they dig back into the sand after the wave sort of pulls them up.

This is Carrie June 10, 2009 at 4:24 pm

We have sand crabs too, but that's not what these were. Our sand crabs have little legs. These were basically shells with a little "tongue" that stuck out. Like tiny clams. Very strange.

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