Collecting Pop Tabs

by This is Carrie on September 15, 2010

When I took Princess to drop off her collection of games to the local Ronald McDonald House, we found out about their Pop Tab fundraiser. Our local house (who started collecting & recycling pop tabs in 1998) has raised nearly $60,000.  It’s such a great way for kids to help out especially if your dad happens to have a mild canned Diet Coke addiction.



Alaina September 15, 2010 at 6:43 pm

What wonderful kids you have! Thank you for sharing this information and their website. My local RMH is doing the same drive, so I’ll be sure to start saving! (Too bad I didn’t know about it sooner though!)

Lynn October 27, 2010 at 6:58 pm

Thanks for the info on the pop tab fundraiser for RMH. Good job teaching your kids to think of others. RMH really makes a difference for parents with kids in the hospital. Its one of our favorite charities to support, but we didn’t know about the pop tabs.

Thanks for the sewing inspiration and great tutorials.

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