Dyeing Day

by This is Carrie on September 20, 2008

I have had a stack of things just waiting to get dyed.
Plain stuff, stained stuff, lame stuff–it all looks better after a dye job.


dandelionmama September 21, 2008 at 4:37 pm

Carrie, I have a ton of stuff I need to dye, and I’ve never done it before. The packages say to do it in the washer, but I have a front-loader- do you have any tips, or would you consider a post telling the rest of us what to do?

TftCarrie September 22, 2008 at 5:32 am

Why don’t we live closer? Dyeing with a friend is always more fun. I don’t do it in the washer (I have a front loader too). I just use that huge bowl you see in the picture. I also have a big metal pot I use on the stove sometimes. Even if I had a top loader I wouldn’t. To scared of getting dye everywhere. I’ll try to put together a few tips this week. Otherwise, just go for it. You can always re-dye!

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