Posts tagged as:

team sparkle

“Did You Run Fast?”

by This is Carrie on October 18, 2010

When I walked in the door Saturday night decked out in my Sparkle Athletic running skirt outfit, Baby Brother immediately yelled out “Did you run fast Mom?” I wish. With 4 weeks left until the baby comes, running at any speed is pretty much impossible. The truth is, I spent all day promoting Team Sparkle […]


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The LA Marathon

by This is Carrie on March 22, 2010

I hadn’t been to a marathon just to watch since I happened upon the NYC marathon finish over eight years ago.  This weekend, a couple friends and I parked ourselves at mile 3 of the LA marathon to cheer on our Team Sparkle running skirt girls. Honestly, I can’t think of something more motivating and […]


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