Making Stuff: Little Boy’s Easter Tie

by This is Carrie on April 10, 2012

When my neighbor passed on this never-been-worn, plaid sports coat, I knew it was meant for Big Brother’s Easter outfit.  Using The Purl Bee’s Little Boy’s Tie tutorial (with “shorter” and “skinnier” modifications) and some thrifted, then hand-dyed fabric from the stash, I made a “matching” yellow Easter tie.  The majority of the tie is hand-sewn which I normally despise, but I found it quite calming and therapeutic this time around.

And what does a little boy do when his mom puts him in an outfit reminiscent of the Miami Vice era?

You pull out your best, 80’s dance moves, of course.

Tie making tip: Instead of making yourself crazy trying to find “real” tie interfacing or skimping with some thin, iron-on, chain fabric store stuff, head to the thrift store and pick up an old tie (at my local thrift stores, they are usually $1).  Then open it up with your seam ripper and harvest the good stuff–the real tie interfacing.  Trim to match your little boy’s tie shape.



Maribel April 10, 2012 at 2:56 pm

Is my little friend sporting an 80″s mullet as well…he’s very cute.

Susan C April 11, 2012 at 8:37 am

Very cute — both the jacket and the tie!

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